The motives behind "Biden so old" are a tangled mess, like the rest of our politics right now. The Republican pundits are largely pushing a narrative they hope has legs, since they'd all rather have Trump than any Democrat, regardless of their crocodile tears about his unfitness. This is just a parade they're getting in front of. The Media have organized the parade because they were spoon-fed this and they have no idea how to write about a political campaign other than as a race to handicap. Centrist Democrats are terrified of having the system they know how to navigate and profit from turned upside down, and leftists refuse to take yes for an answer unless they are first given a parade down Pennsylvania Avenue, driving their enemies before them and hearing the lamentations of their women.

Biden is clearly all about the art of the possible, one of the oldest rules of democratic politics. With his decades of experience in the halls of power, he's stretched possible further than Johnson and maybe FDR. The problem is that the majority of American voters have no idea how any of this works, or what it means. Biden's campaign has been hammering on (among other things) what he's delivered to the American people, but getting them to make that connection is going to be a heavier lift than anyone imagines. On top of that, the ones who do pay attention to politics act like Biden needs to President harder, and that will make opposition dissolve through the magic of better messaging.

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Don't think I'd want to dispute any of that, except to stress, for any House candidates that might be listening, that they need to listen to constituents.

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Back when Conservatism had something like a philosophy, one of the bits that made sense was that the best government was the one closest to the people. Their assumption was that the virtuous people would be a check on evil government, but it is more that government was able to educate the public on what they did and what was possible to do. If you ever want to despair of the survival of Western civilization, just attend any local city council or equivalent board meeting with public comments open.

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Right on the nose.

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Came here for the Anti-AI version of 'reality', stayed for the obscure reference to Tour Du Trump.

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