Jun 14·edited Jun 14Liked by Yastreblyansky

0.) Classical liberals, ironically-in-the-modern-sense, don't believe in competition: they want in The Most Holy Market a single method of establishing value and distributing power. I find their degree of faith…disturbing, and it's probably good for the state of my immortal soul—it doesn't exist, but can have a state, just as G-d doesn't exist but His sense-of-humour does—that I can not kill them with my mind, though I can not answer for my actions if thet get within tray-distance….

1.) Between the paleoneoliberals and the neopaleoliberals, I pick the Judean Popular Front.

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Jun 14Liked by Yastreblyansky

A lot of words to say "David Brooks is, as customary, fractally wrong in his argument."

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Jun 14Liked by Yastreblyansky

There's value in citing chapter and verse of how fractally wrong Brooks is, IMHO. I always learn something, and it is very entertaining to watch the bananna cream pie drip down his face. He is swaddled in enough privilege that this sniping from the sidelines will almost never penetrate (though there are exceptions to make the exercise worthwhile) but it gives me hope and pleasure. Thanks, boss.

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That's always my hope, thanks.

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