Feb 11Liked by Yastreblyansky

Thanks for this. I've known he's a sick person for decades, but never had a diagnostic description before. Profoundly sad guy

And yet, that's peanuts compared to what his life revolves around – the unhealthy accumulation and beatification of his own personal money. Because the curtains are tied back so we can see without any mistaking where he's relying on the rest of his life's income – bedding down with the Ruskies. He WANTS Putin to conquer. He WANTS Europe to fail and for Europeans to die off, because that's what Putin wants. And he absolutely wants his piece of the action. Only question remaining is how many of LOTUS's party intend to rake in the rubles as well.

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There are other things wrong with him that aren't so benign, in the general category of personality disorder (narcissism, psychopathy, borderliine personality--there's a lot of overlap in the terms I know...) covering his greed, his cruelty, his dishonesty

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Feb 11Liked by Yastreblyansky


Also, Tucker Carlson is an ass.

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Feb 11Liked by Yastreblyansky

Great read. Very humane. And if the man didn’t sprint in the opposite direction of each and every sign of his humanity he might even be sympathetic. Additionally, the shade you cast on the ghouls and miscreants in his orbit that enable his inhumanity sparked for me deliciously dark joy.

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Feb 13Liked by Yastreblyansky

Well worth recapitulating. People are so wrapped up in the view of Trump as god-king or demon-beserker that there's no room for the deeply flawed human under the oversized suit and spray tan. One of the reasons I liked that "naked Trump" statue someone put out. Remember that? I think the "old" thing has some resonance because of the deeper Boomer resentment. Why can't these people with their classic rock and million dollar cottages just go away so the Youth can fix everything? Don't trust anyone over 60!

Ultimately, the old thing is just I do not like this reality, please take it away and bring me another. It's about refusing to engage with an unpleasant reality rather than some concern for the ability of a leader to handle his responsibilities. The media are hyping this because Republicans spoon-fed them a story they know how to write. It will fade when it's attention span maxes out with no big response from a public that could care less.

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I remember this, though as a small part of a larger conversation. Pretty sure I stuttered something under my breath about Max Headroom. Also pretty sure I labored at the point that stuttering is not something you ever "get over" or "gets better" ... you learn to manage it and being human management is not always precise. There are physical factors too: emotional duress will impact the management ... when I start stuttering it's a good idea to run. Fatigue is not a friend

I've been commenting of late on automatons, humanoidish figures delivering pre-programmed responses to seemingly random questions: think Max Headroom / Ronnie Raygun 's electronic stuttering but with the pre-programmed responses bleeding off into each other. The iconic wizard looking thing in a box at the carnival: ((( Your Future 25₵ ))). Handful of frames off the cutting room floor thrown together. Given he's a meth-head and the dopamine is firing faster than he can think I think it an apt comparison: Trump to a digitally glitched out caricature of a monkey's* co-star

And there lay your difference between Biden and Trump: one an intelligent, well-educated articulate human who's spent the better part of eighty years learning to manage a speech impediment ... the other a monkey that can't string two sentences together in a paragraph

*I know, wasn't a monkey. David Brooks ...

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Well, thanks, especially if I didn't get it last time.

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