Jun 28Liked by Yastreblyansky

The freak out has been truly impressive. BIDEN SO OLD! as if he'd taken off a latex mask to reveal himself as The Crypt Keeper. But I agree with you that a "debate" is no place to talk about policy, and a "debate" with Trump is no place to talk about anything at all, it simply legitimizes his Gish Gallop by treating it as a "position" of some sort that must be answered. I get that Biden's basic communication pkan is to hammer the laundry list of accomplishmemts, but he shouldn't be trying to prove he's more competent than Trump. The people who would understand and be swayed by that already know it, and the rest don't care, either from apathy or because they want the American Apocalypse Trump offers.

And dear Gaia, the "he should drop out now" arguments would be stupid if they weren't so shallow and pathetic. It's just another manifestation of the inablity to accept that 40% of the voters want to dismantle teh New Deal and the Great Society so we can go back to small town America of 1920, when Those People knew their place and every middle class family had a maid, and that's enough to re-elect Trump. There's no Johnny Unbeatable who's going to make those people shut up and go away. We're going to keep having this fight until they win and bring on a Depression that will make 1934 look like 1990.

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Jun 28Liked by Yastreblyansky

I felt terrible until I saw the NC speech by good old SOTU Joe. To compare one poor debate performance to four years of effective governing? Methinks the Grey Lady doth project too much (and that goes for Krugman, too).

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Thanks for (nearly) talking me down from the cliff I found myself on last night.

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